Our top priority is to publish the quality work and bringing the recognition to the work, editors and authors.
The following are the benefits for the editors and authors but not limited to the below.
For authors: For publishing, authors will be provided with the certificate.
For editors / reviewers: For reviewing, editors / reviewers will be provided with the certificate.
Profiles of authors (after publishing), reviewers and editors will be included in the Who Am I? Directory.
Included profiles will be provided with the verified tick on the eProfilePedia.
We are the international book publisher, therefore we will publish books / book chapters in all the languages.
Translation: If you need language translation, we will provide the service for you.
Authors, editors and reviewers can verify their recognition at our VR System.
All the administrators can verify the recogntion of authors, editors and reviwers at our VR System.
Authors, reviewers and editors can expect to have waiver on charges of our other services / products!
Eg: We will offer waiver on registration fee of conferences / workshops, etc.
We have very well expertised team who are contunuosly working to index all the books / book chapters published us in major indexign platforms like Book Citation Index, Google Scholar, etc.
Authors, reviewers and editors will be provided with the eProfilePedia for free!
They can manage their profile on this platform and also they can other features like profile designing, Virtual ID System, Tracking System, etc.
We have collaboration with many ecommerce platforms as well as offline stores across the globe.
Our marketing experts will try to make available of the books in every country!